Vendeur: rarewaves-europe ✉️ (211.317) 98%, Lieu où se trouve: GU14 0GT, GB, Lieu de livraison: WORLDWIDE, Numéro de l'objet: 186740146710 Bob Fyall Why Are We Often So Boring? (Poche). Bob Fyall’s. The purpose of this book is to enthuse, encourage and stimulate those who teach the Bible. Auteur: Bob Fyall. Titre: Why Are We Often So Boring?. Why Are We So Often Boring?. sets forth a clear discussion around the issues around expositional preaching to pastors, church leaders and students. Détails de l’annonceTitre: Why Are We Often So Boring? Condition: Neuf Sous titres: Reflections on Preaching EAN: 9781527109704 ISBN: 9781527109704 Publisher: Christian Focus Publications Ltd Format: Poche Date de publication: 2023-03-14 Description: All of the Bible is teachable. However some sections of The Word are easier to preach than others. Bob Fyall’s Why Are We So Often Boring? sets forth a clear discussion around the issues around expositional preaching to pastors, church leaders and students. With social, economic, political and health concerns inherent in many congregations, writing a sermon can be an exercise in balancing a tough equation; how to rely on the truth and relate it to people’s lives. The purpose of this book is to enthuse, encourage and stimulate those who teach the Bible. Fyall encourages teachers to rely less on behavioural and attitude centred questions, and more on God’s omnipotent work in the congregation’s hearts. Sujet: Anglais Pays/Région de fabrication: GB Item Height: 216 Item Length: 138.00 Poids: 145g Auteur: Bob Fyall Genre: Philosophy & Spirituality Année de publication: 2023 Information manquante?Veuillez nous contacter pour toute information manquante, nous l’ajouterions volontiers dans notre description.
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- Vendeur - 211.317+ articles vendu. 2% évaluations négative. Grand vendeur avec la très bonne rétroaction positive et plus de 50 cotes.
Popularité - Bob Fyall Why Are We Often So Boring? (Poche)
0 personnes suivent la vente, 0.0 de nouvelles personnes suivent la vente par jour, 1 day for sale on eBay. 0 vendu, 1 disponible.
Prix - Bob Fyall Why Are We Often So Boring? (Poche)
Vendeur - Bob Fyall Why Are We Often So Boring? (Poche)
211.317+ articles vendu. 2% évaluations négative. Grand vendeur avec la très bonne rétroaction positive et plus de 50 cotes.
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